Andrea Noeske-Porada
Is a felt maker artist, sculptor and founder of the Kunst in Souterrain Art Education Center in Wiesbaden, Germany.
Her interest for abstract spatial art has led her to develop the folding of felt, a technique and design principle emphasizing the potential of felting for original space creations. In his current work, structural aspects and processes are important, also the diversity and liveliness of finished objects.
Andrea's formal studies include a Master's degree in Law, a Diploma in Art History, a Diploma in Fine Arts and a 2-year specialized training at the German Oberrot Felt School. Her works of art are exhibited internationally, at the Textile Museum in Washington USA, at the Contextile Bienal 2014 Portugal and at FiberPhiladelphia 2012. Her publications are "A Passion for Felt" (2013) and "FilzundZugenacht" (2012).
Andrea has taught in Argentina, the United States, and throughout Europe.